Monday, April 17, 2017

Week 14: He is Risen

“He is Risen.” Three of the most beautiful words. This past week we had the opportunity to reflect on the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, and as I pondered on the Atonement of Christ my heart was full of gratitude. I can’t imagine what it must have been like to see the Savior being tormented, tortured, spat upon and ridiculed. I can’t imagine what it must have been like to feel the darkness as He ‘gave up ghost.’ I will be forever grateful for the willingness of my Brother to endure all the pain and anguish He went through that night. He did it for me. He did it for you. He did it for all of us. He did it for our Father. But because Christ went through with all that He promised to do, He was resurrected three days later. After the death of Christ, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb. When she arrived, she found the tomb open and an angel spoke to her. Matthew 28:5-6 reads:

“And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not yee: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified.

“He is not here. For he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.”

“He is Risen.” For me, these words are where I find the greatest hope. Christ overcame everything in this life. He experienced every trial you and I will every go through. He knows how it feels to be lonely, depressed, guilty, distant, sad, discouraged. And because He knows perfectly, He will give us the strength, endurance and help we need to return to our heavenly destination. I love my Savior with my whole heart. I know He lives. He is my rock, my salvation. He is my greatest Friend. Let Him be yours.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Week 13: Valleys and Mountains of Life

When I was on my mission, we were privileged to have a zone conference with Elder Hamula of the seventy. He spoke many wonderful truths that strengthened my testimony, but the one I would like to share today is about the valleys and mountains of life. He began by drawing a wavy line that went up at an angle. The valleys were the lower points of the wave, while the higher points were the mountains. The times we have felt peace, joy, and happiness were the times we were on top of the mountain. Maybe we had just accomplished a major goal, learned a valuable lesson or overcome a hard trial. When we are on top of a mountain, we usually can always look back and see how far we have come. But eventually, we always come to another valley. Valleys are when we are going through trials, feel lost, less guided or unsure about where we are heading. But in the end, the valleys always lead to a higher mountain. I am grateful for all of the valleys that Heavenly Father has given me, and I am excited for the ones to come. Even though the valleys of my life have been the hardest and most trying times of my life, I came out so much higher than before. Because of the valleys in my life, my Savior has been able to shape me into the person I am today. And I am so grateful He will continue to guide me through my valleys and lead me to the highest mountain. And one day I will be able to stand on the high mountain with my Father and Savior, to live with them forever.

Image result for Jesus Christ eternal life

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Week 12: Unimaginable Heights

Each of us have times when we give into temptation, make a mistake, have our hearts shattered, or just feel we can’t do it anymore. We may feel that God has forgotten us. Sometimes we may even feel He is disappointed in us. But neither of these statements are true. Heavenly Father never condemns or says we have completely failed. Instead He asks us three simple questions:

“How are you going to become a better person? How are you going to get up and move on? Are you willing to let me in to help you through this process?” If we can just answer yes, we can be lifted to such unimaginable heights.”

I love the promise at the end. “If we can just answer yes, we can be lifted to such unimaginable heights.” I know with my whole heart that the moment we turn to Heavenly Father and ask for His help, we are immediately lifted. Overtime hearts become new and we are changed. Most importantly we are taken higher than we’ve ever been before. And one day everything we experience in this life will be the very reason we will return to live with Heavenly Father for eternity.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Week 11: Garden of Gethsemane

As Christ walked into the Garden of Gethsemane, the weight of the world was put on His shoulders. The Son of God, the only Perfect Man, was beginning to feel the pains, sorrows and afflictions of mortality. As He walked farther into the Garden, He said, “My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even unto death” (Matthew 26:38). In modern day language, He may have been saying, “I think I am going to die.” Bearing the weight of the world, Christ fell to the earth and cried, “Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt.” (Mark 14:36) This is the moment that changed our lives forever. Not only did Christ die for each of us, but He chose to live. He chose to live through the anguish, guilt and heartache so He could take it away from us. He chose to live so when we feel like no one understands, He can say He knows perfectly. Christ chose to live so we would have a way to return to live with Heavenly Father.

I will be forever grateful for my Savior, Jesus Christ. I know with Him all things are possible. I know because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, if we turn to Him, we cannot fail. He simply won’t let us. Christ chose to live for me. I hope I will always choose to live for Him.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Week 10: I Can Do Hard Things

Why does God ask us to do hard things? I’m sure at times we have all asked this question. I know for me I feel like at times I know what is best for me. Sometimes the unknown holds me back. Other times I don’t see the reasons why or the blessings that will come from following Heavenly Father’s counsel. But I have come to know through personal experience that Heavenly Father only wants to draw us closer to Him. And that is why He asks us to do hard things. Matthew 13:45-46 reads:

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls:
“Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it.”

When we give our lives to God, He can make so much more out of it than we can. He will work miracles in our lives. He will bless us beyond what we ever imagined possible. Heavenly Father will ask each of us to do hard things from time to time. But we can always find comfort knowing He is doing even harder things for each of us personally. I know in my life the times I have taken a great leap of faith have been the hardest, most rewarding times of my life. And I know with my whole heart that every leap taken is one closer to returning to live with Him forever.

Image result for Jesus Christ open arms

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Week 9: Watches and Waits

This last week we talked about three different parables found in Luke 15. The first is the parable of the lost sheep. Out of 100 sheep, one begins to wander and gets separated from the group. The Good Shepherd leaves the 99 and goes after the one. The next parable is the lost coin, and the woman searches everywhere until she finds the piece of silver. And finally, the Prodigal Son. The son chooses to leave his inheritance in order to seek things of the world. And the father waits and watches until the son ‘comes to himself’ and turns back to his father, where he is welcomed home with open arms.

There are times when we all feel like we are wandering, getting lost in the crowd. But the Good Shepherd is always there to bring us back to the fold. There are times we may forget to do some things and lose ourselves for just a moment. But Heavenly Father is always there to give us loving correction. Then there are even times when we, or our loved ones, choose to leave all we have in search for what seems like would bring us more happiness. At these times, Heavenly Father is watching and waiting for us to turn back to Him. The moment we turn back to Him and ask for His help, He will welcome us home with a warm, loving embrace. The Atonement of Jesus Christ is the greatest way Heavenly Father has shown us His love. The Atonement is what makes forgiveness possible. 
Journey’s End - Derek Hegsted

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Week 8: "Beautiful Heartbreak"

While we were discussing the miracles Christ performed, we were asked, “Why does God allow us to suffer?” As I pondered this question, I was reminded that Heavenly Father does not allow our hearts to break because we have done something wrong or just because He wants to. He allows our hearts to break so we can experience the miracle of the Atonement. Yes, this life will have disappointments. We may lose a dear loved one, make mistakes that seem beyond repair, lose a cherished relationship. But these experiences only draw us closer to Christ if we let them. There is no pain, sorrow, disappointment or broken heart that cannot be repaired by the hands of Christ. It is through Christ our broken hearts become a “Beautiful Heartbreak.”

“Every fear, every doubt, all the pain I went through,
Was the price that I paid to see this view.
And now that I’m here, I would never trade
The grace that I feel and the faith that I find
Through the bitter-sweet tears and the sleepless nights.
I used to pray He’d take it all away.
But instead it became a beautiful heartbreak.”

Image result for jesus christ atonement

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Week 7: Recipe for Miracles

“And, behold, there came a leper and worshipped him, saying, Lord if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.
“And Jesus put forth his hand, and touched him, saying, I will; be thou clean. And immediately his leprosy was cleansed.
“And Jesus saith unto him, See thou tell no man; but go thy way, shew thyself to the priest, and offer the gift that Moses commanded, for a testimony unto them.” (Matthew 8:2-4)

                This story of the leper contains the simple recipe for miracles. He first came to Christ, worshipping Him. Then he was submissive by saying, “Lord if thou wilt…” And finally, He exercised great faith in Jesus Christ and His power. Miracles are just as real today as they were back then. Sometimes we feel like we aren’t being heard or things aren’t going our way. But Heavenly Father is just waiting for us to do our little part so He can work miracles in our lives. When we come worshipping by living the gospel, reading our scriptures, praying and keeping the commandments, we are doing our part. We become submissive, and trust in Heavenly Father’s will for our lives. And finally, we exercise faith. In other words, we act. We seek, knock and find. Miracles have and always will be a part of The Gospel of Jesus Christ.  
Image result for christ healing the leper

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Week 6: Process of Perfection

Matthew 5:48 reads, “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” We are here to work towards perfection, to become like Heavenly Father. Sometimes that concept is a bit overwhelming for me. How will I ever reach perfection?

I have read the Sermon on the Mount and the beatitudes hundreds of times over the years. But today my perspective was changed as we discussed the sermon in class. The beatitudes is a process that allows us to repent, change and become perfected. It starts with being ‘poor in spirit’, recognizing we lack in areas. We then mourn, or have the desire to change and become better. We become meek, turning to our Savior who is the only one who can truly change our hearts. We then ‘hunger and thirst after righteousness.” In other words, we act! We don’t just sit and wait for God to answer us, but we seek and look for guidance. As we do, we become merciful. We see others through the eyes of God. We forgive. We let go. We move forward and don’t look back. We allow the power of the Atonement in our life. As we do, we become ‘pure in heart.’ Our desires become pure, clean. Our hearts truly change. Then we become peacemakers. We find peace through Christ and share that peace with others. And finally, we are ‘persecuted for rightesouness’ sake.’ This process is how we will reach perfection. And it is made possible through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Week 5: Worth of One Soul

This past week I was on my way to work, and I saw a man sitting on the corner of the road. He was holding a sign that said “Homeless and hungry. Please help.” As I sat at the stop light, I started thinking about how I had nothing to give him. I am only a poor college student with nothing to offer. Then I was reminded of a granola bar I had in my back pack. So I grabbed it, rolled down my window and gave it to the man. What I gave him was really nothing to me. It was a simple granola bar. I may never know the impact it had on him that day. And who knows? Maybe he just ate it and didn’t think much of it after. But I was reminded of a beautiful truth. “Remember the worth of souls is great in the eyes of God.” That man is a beloved son of God. Jesus Christ is His Savior just as He is mine. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love him just as much as they love me. I know that the value of one soul is great in the eyes of God. No matter who we are, where we are going or where we’ve been, we can always count on the eternal truth that God loves us.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Week 4: The Savior's Footsteps

What would it have been like to follow the Savior? What would it have been like to see Him heal the sick? Feed the hungry? Clothe the naked? Perform the work of the Father? I’ve often wondered what it would have been like to walk with the Savior. As I sat pondering these questions, I realized that we are able to walk with the Savior every day. We may not be physically following Him as He walked the earth. But we are walking in His footsteps as we try to live as He would each day. When we hold the door for someone, talk to someone who is having a bad day, share the joyful message of the gospel, or simply share a smile, we are walking with the Savior. Jesus Christ extends an invitation to each of us. “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30). Christ walked the earth so we would never have to walk alone. When we accept and act upon His invitation, He will always be by our side. And we indeed will be able to follow the Saviors footsteps.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Week 3: If Ye Love Me

All Heavenly Father wants is for us to be happy and return to Him. He has given us everything we need to be able to live with Him again. He has given us the gospel to come to know Christ, He has given us scripture to learn about His great plan, and He has given us commandments so He can bless our lives. One of my favorite scriptures is found in Mosiah 2:24: “And secondly, he doth require that ye should do as he hath commanded you; for which if ye do he doth immediately bless you…” The reason Heavenly Father has given us commandments is so He can bless us. So He can help us find happiness. So we can stay on the path that leads us back home to Him. Heavenly Father has given us everything. And what’s the one thing He has asked us to do? “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” I know healing, hope, love and happiness comes from following the example of our Savior, Jesus Christ, by keeping the commandments. And keeping the commandments is how we show we truly love Him.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Week 2: Lifeline of Prayer

This week I have been reminded time and time again of one of the greatest gifts Heavenly Father has given us: Prayer. We all came to this life to learn, progress and grow. We all knew we would go through different experiences that would guide us back home to our Father. Sometimes in the midst of those experiences, we may feel lost, alone or confused. These are the times we especially need to remember that Heavenly Father didn’t send us here alone. He gave us the beautiful gift of prayer. One of my favorite quotes my companion shared with me on my mission is, “Fight all your battles on your knees. You will win every time.” I know this to be true. I know the power of prayer is real. No matter where you are, who you are or where you are going, your loving Heavenly Father is only a prayer away. He has been there every time for me. And I know He is just waiting for each of us to turn to Him and ask for His help. If you turn to Him, I promise you will not be disappointed!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Week 1: Who is God?

Who is God? According to Moses 1:1-3 God is a man. God is powerful. God is the Almighty. Most of all, God is our Father. We are all children of a loving Heavenly Father who just wants us to be truly happy. He knows the way we can find everlasting happiness is by becoming like Him. And that is His great plan for each of us! To become like Him! I love how after God tells Moses who He is, He then tells Moses, “…thou art my son…” I don’t know what Moses was feeling as he was conversing with God, but I imagine Moses felt the great love Heavenly Father had for him. That love comes because Moses is a son of God. Knowing my identity as a daughter of God has given me the confidence I need to become like my Heavenly Father. I’m not perfect, not even close. None of us are! All we are asked to do is try our best and turn to Christ. Jesus Christ is the One that makes it possible for each of us to become like Heavenly Father. Life is hard and can be discouraging at times. But Heavenly Father knows and sees who we can become! And little by little He continues to shape and refine me to reach my full potential, just like He does for each of you. God is simply love.