Matthew 5:48 reads, “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your
Father which is in heaven is perfect.” We are here to work towards perfection,
to become like Heavenly Father. Sometimes that concept is a bit overwhelming for
me. How will I ever reach perfection?
I have read the Sermon on the Mount and the beatitudes
hundreds of times over the years. But today my perspective was changed as we
discussed the sermon in class. The beatitudes is a process that allows us to
repent, change and become perfected. It starts with being ‘poor in spirit’, recognizing we lack in areas. We then mourn, or have the desire to change and
become better. We become meek,
turning to our Savior who is the only one who can truly change our hearts. We
then ‘hunger and thirst after righteousness.”
In other words, we act! We don’t just sit and wait for God to answer us, but we
seek and look for guidance. As we do, we become merciful. We see others through the eyes of God. We forgive. We let
go. We move forward and don’t look back. We allow the power of the Atonement in
our life. As we do, we become ‘pure in
heart.’ Our desires become pure, clean. Our hearts truly change. Then we
become peacemakers. We find peace
through Christ and share that peace with others. And finally, we are ‘persecuted for rightesouness’ sake.’
This process is how we will reach perfection. And it is made possible through
the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
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